The Bible on Anger
“The start of an argument is like a water leak – so stop it before real trouble breaks out.” The Bible, Proverbs 17:14
Saint Thomas Aquinas on Faith
“Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand.” Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Augustine on Wisdom
“Patience is the companion of wisdom.” Saint Augustine
Saint Paul the Apostle on Money
“People who want to be rich fall into all sorts of temptations and traps. They are caught by foolish and harmful desires that drag them down and destroy them.” Saint Paul the Apostle, The Bible (1 Timothy 6:10)
Saint Augustine on Hope
“Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” Saint Augustine
The Bible on Money
“Give up trying so hard to get rich. Your money flies away before you know it, just like an eagle suddenly taking off.” The Bible Proverbs 23:4-5
Saint Augustine on Time
“What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.” Saint Augustine
Erma Bombeck on Life
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “I used everything you gave me”. Erma Bombeck
Marcus Tullius Cicero on Faith
“A man of courage is also full of faith.” Marcus Tullius Cicero
Freeman Dyson on Technology
“Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.” Freeman Dyson
Saint Thomas Aquinas on Friendship
“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Augustine on Faith
“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.” Saint Augustine
Josh Billings on Marriage
“Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can’t help but smile on it.” Josh Billings
Lucius Annaeus Seneca on Death
“The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Peter Kreeft on Hell
“The national anthem of Hell is ‘I did it my way’.” Peter Kreeft
Blaise Pascal on Faith
“In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.” Blaise Pascal
Proverbs 15:17 on Love
“A simple meal with love is better than a feast where there is hatred.” Proverbs 15:17
Albert Einstein on Science & Religion
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein on God & Science
“God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically.” Albert Einstein
King Solomon on Value
“Good people are remembered long after they are gone, but the wicked are soon forgotten.” Solomon a king of Israel and a thinker
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg on Belief
“First there is a time when we believe everything, then for a little while we believe with discrimination, then we believe nothing whatever, and then we believe everything again – and, moreover, give reasons why we believe.” Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 – 1799)
Thomas à Kempis on Love
“Love makes everything that is heavy light.”
Pope John Paul II on Science and Faith
“Science can purify religion from error and superstition. Religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.” Pope John Paul II
King Solomon on Forgiveness
“You will keep your friends if you forgive them, but you will lose your friends if you keep talking about what they did wrong.” Solomon, King of Israel and thinker The Bible (Proverbs 17:9)
Proverbs 12:18 on Wisdom
“Sharp words cut like a sword, but words of wisdom heal.” Proverbs 12:18
Mother Teresa on Faith
“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” Mother Teresa
Saint Augustine on Love
“Love is the beauty of the soul.” Saint Augustine
The Bible on Love
“Hatred stirs up trouble; love overlooks the wrongs that others do.” The Bible, Proverbs 10:12
Victor Hugo on Love
“To love another person is to see the face of God.” Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
John Ruskin Wisdom Quote
“What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.” John Ruskin English critic, essayist, & reformer (1819 – 1900)
Heywood Broun on Atheism
“Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.” Heywood Broun US journalist (1888 – 1939)
Pappilon on Character
“A temptation resisted is a true measure of character.” Pappilon
Mother Teresa on Faith
“I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.” Mother Teresa
Blaise Pascal on Angels
“Man is neither angel nor beast, and unhappily whoever wants to act the angel, acts the beast.” Blaise Pascal
Wilson Mizner on Help
“God help those who do not help themselves.” Wilson Mizner US screenwriter (1876 – 1933)
Emily Matthews on Christmas
“From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another the warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other.” Emily Matthews
Charlotte Carpenter on Christmas
“He who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree.” Charlotte Carpenter
Burton Hillis on Christmas and Family
“The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” Burton Hillis
Helen Keller on Christmas
“The only blind person at Christmastime is he who has not Christmas in his heart.” Helen Keller
Oren Arnold on Christmas
“Christmas gift suggestions: to your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.” Oren Arnold
Dale Evans on Christmas and Love
“Christmas is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” Dale Evans
Calvin Coolidge on Christmas and Peace
“Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” Calvin Coolidge
Charles M. Crowe on Easter
“Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals.” Charles M. Crowe